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The Norwegian Immunisation Registry SYSVAK (national vaccination register) is a nationwide electronic vaccination register established in 1995. Until October 2009, the reporting obligation to SYSVAK only covered vaccines given in the childhood vaccination programme. During the flu pandemic in 2009, reporting was also introduced for the vaccine against pandemic flu. Starting January 2011, the reporting obligation was extended to apply to all vaccinations for all age groups in the population.

Established in October 2011, TURKBIO is the first nationwide biological database contributed by 15 different centers across Turkey. TURKBIO is a registry that allows patients to enter data using electronic touchscreens.

Launched April 1, 2015, the National Congenital Anomaly and Rare Disease Registration Service (NCARDRS) records information on people with congenital abnormalities and rare diseases across the whole of England. NCARDRS includes information from the following registries, which individually collected data in the past:

- Congenital Anomaly Register for Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire (CAROBB)

The National Cancer Registry of Ireland (NCRI) was established in 1991 and has been collecting comprehensive cancer information for the population of the Republic of Ireland since 1994. This information is used in research into the causes of cancer, in education and information programmes, and in the planning and management of cancer services to deliver the best cancer care to the whole population.

We are excited to add three new profiles from Denmark and Sweden to our resource of over 400 healthcare database profiles.

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This registry collects data on deaths by age, sex, cause, place of death, and place of residence for Norway. It contains digitized cause of death data dating back to 1951. Electronic death certificates were introduced in 2018, and electronic delivery is mandatory since January 1, 2022. The registry collects death certificates for all deaths that occur in the country, including deceased who are not registered as inhabitants of Norway. It also registers the deaths of Norwegians who die abroad.

Part of Riks-Stroke (RS), the Swedish Stroke Register established in 1994, a national register for acute stroke care; all Swedish hospitals admitting acute stroke and TIA (Transient Ischemic Attacks) patients participate. The Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA) Registry contains more than 100,000 total TIA events recorded. This makes RS one of the world’s largest TIA registers.