What's new

We have just uploaded 2 new US database profiles:

  • National Veterans Affairs (VA) Dataset
  • Women's Health Inititative (WHI)
We will be at the 7th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology (ACPE) in Bengaluru, India. Stop by to see our poster on October 28, 2012, entitled “Comparing and Identifying Optimal Healthcare Databases for Comparative-Effectiveness of Breast Cancer Screening”. One of our authors, Sharmila Kamani, will be happy to talk to you during the poster session (12 – 1:30 pm).

View our October newsletter with information on our participation in the upcoming 7th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology (ACPE) and our poster from ISPE 2012.

Take a look at our latest addition: IMS LifeLink Longitudinal Rx (LRx) Database: Belgium

Download our latest poster entitled “Assessing Healthcare Data Linkage Capabilities Using an Online Database Resource.” This poster was presented recently at the 28th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management in Barcelona, Spain on August 25, 2012.

Our team will be at the 28th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE) in Barcelona, August 23-26. Meet us there (Booth #4) and say hello.

We now have The Maccabi Healthcare Services Clinical Database from Israel – which makes it a total of 183 profiles from 25 countries. As we continue to add more profiles, we also update those uploaded earlier - the latest being CPRD (formerly GPRD).

  • Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS);
  • District Level Household and Family Survey (DLHFS) (India);
  • French Cystic Fibrosis Patient Registry;
  • IMS LifeLink Longitudinal Rx (LRx) Database: Germany;
  • Japanese Cancer Registries (JACR)

We will be uploading a database profile from another country soon…stay tuned!

Download our latest poster entitled “Comparing and Identifying Optimal Healthcare Databases for Comparative Effectiveness Research.” This poster was presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting in Orlando, FL, on June 25, 2012.

Stop by to see our poster TODAY: “Comparing and Identifying Optimal Healthcare Databases for Comparative Effectiveness Research.”

Poster Session C #803, 6:45 pm - 8:15 pm