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Explore two new IMS LifeLink Longitudinal Rx (LRx) Database profiles from Hungary and Spain. And don’t forget to see our poster if you happen to be at ICPE in Montreal, Canada on August 27, 2013 (Data Elements in Inpatient Databases To Enhance Safety & Health Outcomes Research. Database SIG Poster 193 Session B; Abstract #637).
B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA is presenting a poster at ICPE* in Montreal, Canada, on Tuesday, August 27, 2013: Data Elements in Inpatient Databases To Enhance Safety & Health Outcomes Research. If you are there, do stop by - Database SIG Poster 193 Session B; Abstract #637. *29th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE)
Our site now has 220 database profiles from 30 countries, since we just uploaded our first one from Switzerland! With the addition of the Swiss IMS LifeLink™ Longitudinal Rx (LRx) Database, B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA now has 100 longitudinal population databases, in addition to several other types of databases. The other new profile we just included in our resource is called IMS LifeLink™: Hospital Charge Data Master (USA).

Check out the remaining National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS) Database profiles we just uploaded - from France, Germany, Spain, and UK. Next week we will be uploading several more profiles, so be sure to come back and check them out or subscribe to our feed for the most up-to-date news.

We are making strides into adding new database profiles from more countries. We now have our first profile from Croatia, namely HALMED Pharmacovigilance Database (listed in B.R.I.D.G.E. as the Croatian PV Database). We will try to profile some more Croatian databases soon, as well as databases from other Eastern European countries.

Download our latest poster “Spontaneous Reporting Data: A Global Comparison Using An Online Database Resource," which was presented at ISPOR’s 18th Annual International Meeting in New Orleans, LA on May 20, 2013. The poster describes, through the use of B.R.I.D.G.E., data elements in spontaneous reporting systems (SRS) that are useful for evaluating safety signals. The frequency of use of the different data fields was compared across several SRS and the CIOMS report form.

Check out the next National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS) Database profile in B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA – this one is from Italy. In addition, browse through the Finnish Medical Birth Registry, which we uploaded recently.
If you will be at ISPOR’s 18th Annual International Meeting (May 18-22, 2013 at the Sheraton New Orleans in New Orleans, LA, USA) please stop by to see our poster Spontaneous Reporting Data: A Global Comparison Using An Online Database Resource (PRM68) on Monday, May 20, 2013, between 8:30 AM and 2:15 PM CT. Our colleague, Earl Goehring, will be there to discuss the poster with you between 1:15 PM and 2:15 PM CT (Poster Session 1). For more information, please contact us at info@bridgetodata.org.
In January of this year we uploaded our first database profile from Russia – Kantar Health’s National Health and Wellness Survey (NHWS) Database – and said that we are going to profile all of Kantar Health’s NHWS data sets from various countries. As promised, we have just uploaded a few more – from Japan, China, USA, and Brazil. We are scheduled to upload the remaining NHWS database profiles over the next few months.
We just updated the US IMS LifeLink™ Health Plan Claims Database. Now known as IMS PharMetrics Plus US Health Plan Claims Database, with more than 150 million lives, it offers the ability to link traditionally disparate data sources at the patient level, such as hospital charge master detail, electronic medical records from general practitioner and oncology practices, laboratory detail, over-the-counter medications and consumer demographic and behavioral information.