Katarina Ilic MD PhD MPH

The compendium maintained by BTD is a unique one with descriptions of databases from all over the world. Databases are described in a uniform way allowing fast comparison and selection of a database of interest.  BTD also has contact details of individuals responsible for maintaining the database. It is user friendly and has video tutorials that provide a potential user with a short and comprehensive training on how to navigate through the profiles.

Katarina Ilic MD PhD MPH

I highly recommend researchers in the field of pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, and related disciplines to use BTD to identify a suitable database which will meet the needs of their research. Also, pharmaceutical companies should look more often at the databases described by BTD if they are required to conduct PASS studies.

Patrice Verpillat, MD, PhD

This "database" of databases is very useful in my day-to-day activities as it allows me to find quickly which databases will fit the best regarding the research questions I have. It is very complete and contains information on countries for which it is sometimes difficult to find information elsewhere.

9/19/17: Our 6th Finnish database profile has been added

Since 1950, the National Institute for Health and Welfare Finland (THL) Register of Induced Abortions monitors and develops measures to promote the health and well-being of the population of Finland. Among other things, data include information on grounds for abortion - since 1955. Starting 1958, information is available on patient’s marital status, age, number of births and the number of procedures performed in each province.

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