Apr 1, 2024: It’s no joke, 10 new profiles from Close-Up: Retail Market

Retail Market is an online tool that allows laboratories to analyze the pharmaceutical market sales, i.e., evaluation of a country total market in terms of unit sales, market share, product turnover and distribution. Our new Close-Up: Retail Market profiles are from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay.

If you are already a subscriber to our resource, do check out these profiles; if you need access, contact us now to review ~440 healthcare database profiles from 63 countries at a discounted rate. In the time being, view the FREE sample set to see what information is provided in our profiles, and join our mailing list so you don't miss out on new offerings and discounts from B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA.