Aug 16, 2023: New US DB profile with ~300 Million records added!

Started in 2014, STATinMED’s licensed all-payer medical, and pharmacy claims dataset (STATinMED Real World Data Insights) provides insight into approximately 80% of the US healthcare system. These data are comparable with other all-payer claims repositories as they are sourced directly from claims clearinghouses, which are responsible to manage claims transactions between payers and providers, offering comprehensive coverage at the patient level across the US healthcare system. All provider types are available in near-real-time to support a variety of evidence generation needs.

If you are already a subscriber to our resource, do check out these profiles. If you do not have access but would like to give B.R.I.D.G.E. TO DATA® a try, consider contacting us for a quick demo of our 400+ healthcare database profiles from 52 countries. You may also view the FREE sample set to see what information is provided in our profiles. Contact us for assistance with online access or other questions.